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Entries by BecksFARMserver

FARMserver Update: Integrations and Manual Data Entry

FARMserver Update: Integrations and Manual Data Entry

Whether you’re new to FARMserver or a seasoned user, data entry can be problematic. It’s a crucial part of being able to analyze your operation accurately. When importing data into FARMserver, you have a few different options to help make data entry simple. You can manually import data with a USB stick for example, or you can use our Integrations page to link a precision farming platform you’re currently using to FARMserver for seamless data transfer.

With either option, you must first set your boundaries up before you can begin importing data. You can do this by manually drawing boundaries in FARMserver, […]

FARMserver Update: Harvest Reminders

FARMserver Update: Harvest Reminders

Harvest has officially begun in some areas and is quickly approaching for the rest of us. Given the current commodity and input prices, utilizing accurate data in FARMserver will help you measure and analyze how your inputs benefit your operation.  One of the key pillars of data quality in FARMserver is the establishment of proper field boundaries within your account. This step ensures clean data, especially if you plan to use these boundaries to create variable rate prescriptions in FARMserver, providing you with reliable and accurate information for decision-making. 

It’s also important to note that it’s never too late to start using […]

FARMserver Update: Optimizing Your Growing Season

FARMserver Update: Optimizing Your Growing Season

With our growing seasons in full swing, there are many things to do and short windows to get them done. While you’re busy in the fields, FARMserver also works hard to collect and organize temperature, rainfall, growing degree units (GDUs), and other weather-related information specific to each field. Once you enter your planting data into FARMserver, the weather data will trigger your growth stages. But good data in is good data out, so we wanted to show you a quick way to set the relative maturity so your PFR and Agronomic Alerts are as accurate as possible!

In the Fields and […]

Formulate a Game Plan for a Winning Year

Formulate a Game Plan for a Winning Year

The month of March can be consuming for college basketball fans. Filling out brackets, making predictions, and watching games are all part of the experience. Teams who make it to the NCAA tournament spend hours formulating plans, crafting plays, and strategizing. Farmers should take the same approach in preparation for a successful crop in 2024.    

FARMserver® holds the suite of tools you need to craft and execute your gameplan. From selecting the right seed varieties to preparing to plant, your plan can be used and referenced throughout the entire season. Establishing field boundaries in FARMserver will build the foundation of […]

FARMserver Update: Let’s Get This Party Started

FARMserver Update: Let’s Get This Party Started

Have you heard the news? FARMserver® released a brand new feature called Ready2Plant™. It’s designed to look at weather data and soil conditions to predict if your fields are ready to plant or if you should press pause. With all the recent buzz around this new feature, we’ve had several requests from growers wanting to create FARMserver accounts and take advantage of this tool! 

If you’re one of them, here are a few steps to help you get started.

FARMserver has both an app and a website, but you need to sign up on the website. Visit www.farmserver.com and select “Sign Up.” Once you […]

FARMserver Update: Are You Ready2Plant™?

FARMserver Update: Are You Ready2Plant™?

Picture this.

The calendar flips to April 1. You’re sipping on your first cup of coffee, thinking about the day, and an exciting thought creeps into your head…


For some of us, it’s earlier, and for some, it’s later, but there is something exciting about the thought of growing a new crop. With all your seed in the shed and the planter fine-tuned and in planting-ready condition, the only question yet to answer is, “SHOULD I PLANT?”

Over the past decade, our team has met with dealers, seed advisors, and customers, and the number one question we get asked in the spring, time and time again, […]

Benefits and Features of FARMserver

Benefits and Features of FARMserver

When it comes to the total seed package, we believe ours is the best value for every dollar spent. That means farmers get more from their investment in Beck’s than they can get with any other seed brand. We’re dedicated to providing a total value package to farmers, and one way we do that is by offering FARMserver at no cost to all Beck’s corn and soybean customers. From FARMserver’s dedicated support staff to your local Beck’s representatives, our team is here to ensure your success. 

Want to learn more about the value FARMserver brings to farmers across the corn belt? […]

Preparing for Harvest with FARMserver

Preparing for Harvest with FARMserver

It’s like Christmas eve in the corn belt. Harvest is just a week or two away in some areas, and for some it may have already started. Reaping what you have sown can be the most joyful part of farming. Although taking the time to make sure equipment is calibrated and data is being logged properly can be a pain, it is WORTH it.

Francis Beck said it best, “What you measure tends to improve.” Making sure your operation has accurate data to measure is a key part of farming. Whether you have the most recent monitors and sensors to measure […]

FARMserver Update: Accessing Accurate Weather Information

FARMserver Update: Accessing Accurate Weather Information

Weather is always top of mind for farmers. It impacts our decision-making for that day, week, and beyond. It influences when to push forward, pause, or reevaluate our plan. Our agricultural practices, productivity, and crop performance are inherently tied to the weather, and aiming for prime conditions is vital to optimizing growth. Therefore, access to accurate and up-to-date weather information is crucial for making informed decisions about when to plant, irrigate, fertilize, and harvest.

FARMserver houses a wide array of weather data so you can make decisions with confidence. From field-specific rainfall amounts to hail to accumulated GDUs, FARMserver’s Weather Chart […]

FARMserver Update: Alerts Now Available for Multiple Recipients

FARMserver Update: Alerts Now Available for Multiple Recipients

As June approaches, much of the Corn Belt has surpassed 60% of the corn planted and roughly 50% of the soybeans. We now face the final stretch of the planting season. Many of us have seen strong, low-pressure systems bringing much-needed rain to some otherwise droughty conditions. Some have encountered severe rainfall, which produced ponding and potentially replant scenarios. Whatever weather patterns you are experiencing in your area, it is important to know what is happening in your fields, and the alerts and notifications from FARMserver can help with that!In response to the significant number of requests we’ve received, we’ve […]