Whether you’re new to FARMserver or a seasoned user, data entry can be problematic. It’s a crucial part of being able to analyze your operation accurately. When importing data into FARMserver, you have a few different options to help make data entry simple. You can manually import data with a USB stick for example, or you can use our Integrations page to link a precision farming platform you’re currently using to FARMserver for seamless data transfer.
With either option, you must first set your boundaries up before you can begin importing data. You can do this by manually drawing boundaries in FARMserver, or if you already have existing boundaries, you can import those shapefiles directly. By pressing the +FIELD button, you can upload boundary files, use prepopulated CLU boundaries, or create a custom-drawn boundary. Boundaries are important because they provide a spatial reference point for data associated with that boundary. Without them, your data will not be viewable. For this reason, field and farm names become a non-issue as data only follows boundaries. If there are any naming differences between the monitor and FARMserver, it will not matter.

On the integrations tab, you can link the precision farming platform(s) you already use to allow all your data to be accessible in FARMserver.
You will need to click +ADD to select the platform you’ve been using and then enter the associated login credentials. Once the connection is made, any future data logged to that platform will automatically be imported to your FARMserver account.

It’s important to note that all data collected before integrating to FARMserver will need to be manually imported. Because we want you to be in control of your data, FARMserver cannot access your old data files. Old data can be imported directly from our Integrations tab. Click the “Import Data” button on the integration you’re using, and you will be prompted to select which year(s) of data you would like to import, or you can import data from a specific date range.

Another option to import data collected before integrating with FARMserver is a USB stick. In JD Operations, for example, you will need to download your work data first by navigating to the “More” tab and selecting “Files.” Under the “Work Data” tab, select which files you want, click download, and transfer them to a USB stick.

From there, you will navigate back to FARMserver to upload your data. From the Fields & Farm Data tab, select “Upload Data,” and select what type of data you’re importing, the monitor data, soil tests, and/or field boundaries. By clicking the “Advanced” dropdown menu, you can further filter what data you want to import from those files, whether by year or by operation. Once the filters are set, select the data file from the USB stick and press upload. Remember earlier when we were talking about creating boundaries first? Take note of the check box at the bottom of the “Advanced” menu. If desired, you can also generate field boundaries based on the existing data where boundaries don’t already exist. If you manage your data collection on the monitor well, this could be a simple option.

Everything worth doing takes time, and entering your data is no exception. The time needed for your data to process will vary and depend upon how much there is. On the bright side, FARMserver will notify you via email when your files have been processed and are ready to be turned into next year’s success plan!
There are some helpful tips and tricks to make data entry easier. Work smarter, not harder. Luckily, your FARMserver team is here to help. It’s good practice to reset your integrated connections before starting your planting or harvest season. From the Integrations tab, find your integration and hit “Remove.” Wait 24 hours before adding the connection back. Changing your password on Climate, AFS Connect, JD Ops Center, or any other integration will automatically sever the connection to FARMserver. You just need to log in to FARMserver and add the integration back using the new password.
As always, please contact your local Becks dealer, seed advisor, or FARMserver representative with any questions.
Craig Rogers | Precision Farming Lead