Seeing Profitability With The ROI Calculator Tool

Seeing Profitability With The ROI Calculator Tool

Looking ahead to the 2019 growing season, profitably should be on the mind of every farmer. Some questions that might be top of mind include: “Will it be more profitable to plant corn or soybeans? From fertilizer programs, nitrogen decisions, chemical programs, to seed, what is the magic recipe for profitably for 2019?” Knowing that every farm and field is different, there aren’t always easy answers to those questions.

A Tool to Help

The Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator Tool in FARMserver® is available to help you plan for any scenario across each farm and field. When logged in, you can choose an […]

Soil Test Pro Now Integrated with FARMserver

Soil Test Pro Now Integrated with FARMserver


Since the inception of FARMserver®, one feature has been requested more than any other… the ability to import soil test information into FARMserver.

After listening to feedback from our customers, we took a long, hard look at some of the major players in the soil sampling industry to determine what best fit their needs.

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Soil Test Pro out of Murray, KY.  Throughout their 14 years in business, Soil Test Pro has provided customers with the most flexibility when it comes to soil sampling and fertility recommendations. Not only does Soil Test Pro […]



We are excited to announce the release of another valuable update to FARMserver®, our precision farming software. The Return on Investment “ROI” Calculator, users can now view average profit or loss per acre on their operation based on Purdue University’s Crop Cost and Return Guide. Market Prices for both corn and soybeans are automatically updated every 15 minutes to match the Chicago Board of Trade prices.

FARMserver subscribers can now view return on investment numbers as a percent of overall costs or as a cost per bushel analysis. Users can also update any of the calculator values with their own input costs […]

FARMserver – New Release

FARMserver – New Release

Field Analytics on MapView

This feature will allow the customer/dealer/salesperson to view yield information on screen without having to print yield maps and summaries. This feature will give you (by crop) Yield by Field, Yield by Hybrid, Yield by Soil Type, Total Bushels, Avg Moisture and Average Seed Rate.   This yield information changes, depending on what fields you have selected. So if you have 5 out of 25 fields selected, all of the averages are for the 5 you have selected. If you do not select anything, it will give you yield information for the entire operation. (The MapView image example to […]

Get Your Scout On

Get Your Scout On

Now that that planting season is winding down in the majority of the territory, it is time to get out in the field see how the crop is progressing. Field scouting should be at the forefront of all of our minds. Let’s just see how well the planter planted, what kind of weed pressure we have, and what kind of stand do we have in the field. Over the past few weeks, we have released several new and exciting tools to our FARMserver scouting app to help farmers be more efficient with their time in the field. Everything we build […]