Since the inception of FARMserver®, one feature has been requested more than any other… the ability to import soil test information into FARMserver.
After listening to feedback from our customers, we took a long, hard look at some of the major players in the soil sampling industry to determine what best fit their needs.
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Soil Test Pro out of Murray, KY. Throughout their 14 years in business, Soil Test Pro has provided customers with the most flexibility when it comes to soil sampling and fertility recommendations. Not only does Soil Test Pro provide farmers with access to one of the easiest soil sampling apps in the industry, but farmers can utilize the soil test lab of your choice, making it a flexible option for everyone across our marketing area.
Through the Data Connections feature in FARMserver, customers can wirelessly connect their Soil Test Pro account to their FARMserver account. Once the connection is established and field boundaries are reviewed, soil test information will automatically transfer into FARMserver and match to existing boundaries. From then on, every time a new sampling event takes place in Soil Test Pro, the information will automatically transfer into FARMserver.
For customers who have soil test data from another service provider, manually importing those shape files is also a new option in FARMserver! Through the traditional upload page in Farm Data, customers will be prompted to select the units of their test results. FARMserver will then match as many soil test attributes as possible and ask for clarification if an attribute is unknown.
All soil test data that is imported into FARMserver is available for use in the Management Zone Creation Tool. Customers have the option to use just one attribute of the soil test or many. By using the multi-layer option in the Management Zone Creation Tool, zones can be created based off yield, soil type, elevation, crop health imagery and soil test data, or any mix thereof.
To find out more information about Soil Test Pro, click here. Customers can learn more about the NEW Soil Test Pro integration, and all of the other great features in FARMserver, by clicking here.
Don’t forget, FARMserver is available to all Beck’s corn and soybeans customers at no additional cost. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at 317-565-4120 or support@FARMserver.com.