FARMserver Update: The Importance of Yield Data

Yield data. It’s the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind when “precision ag” is mentioned. 

Yes, yield data is critical to precision agriculture. It’s the culmination of all your efforts throughout the year. The report card. The “good, the bad, and the ugly.” The map we use to analyze what we did and how it performed. But before we can really dig deep into the analytics, we must first put it into a usable format. 

Enter FARMserver.

We like to say that FARMserver is “colorblind” when it comes to data, meaning we can upload data from just about any monitor or format your combine uses to record information. You can upload data into FARMserver a few different ways, but the most popular way is through the Upload Data feature in Fields and Farm Data. If you haven’t checked it out lately, we’ve added a few options.

Under the Advanced tab, there are new options for sorting through the zipped folder you’re uploading. Sometimes, we don’t clean our combine monitors off at the end of the year. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it might be something that needs additional management. In FARMserver, you now have the option to process data from all years, the current year, or one year in particular. 

In addition to the advanced year features, you can also filter by event type. If you move your monitor from one piece of equipment to another, or if your data file has information from the entire year and your planting data is already in FARMserver, you can choose to process All Data, or only Harvest, Planting, Tillage, or Application. Just highlight the applicable options, select your data file, and upload. FARMserver will sort and match and send you an email when it’s done.

These advanced options can help reduce data overlap and duplication. If you’re utilizing your information for analytical purposes, good data in means good data out. Let FARMserver help with the efficiency of this process by using the Advanced options next time you upload harvest data. 

As with any of the features in FARMserver, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

By Sheila Downey | Regional Precision Technology Specialist