Management Zones Made Easy!

January: a time when people make New Year’s resolutions. Let FARMserver help you make a New Year’s resolution for your farm with increased bushels and managed inputs! FARMserver gives you the power to manage the placement and rate of your inputs using the data you are already collecting on your farm.  These layers include: yield, soil tests, soil types, Sentera drone imagery, elevation and more. Instead of wondering what equation you should use and where to start, let Beck’s and FARMserver help guide you where to start.  We have a dealer team who are well versed in our product line-up and will help with placement and rate of your corn or soybeans. We also have a full agronomy team who can help look at factors that impact productivity in your geography and in turn, help give input on what layers would be best to use on your farm!


There is also a way to test and evaluate your management decisions without having to remember to turn your prescription off and on while you are planting or applying. The test block feature will allow you to place your checks in your prescription, making sure you don’t miss out on that crucial on-farm test you were wanting to try.


The best part? FARMserver will break out those zones and test blocks in our Comprehensive Yield Report once harvest data is imported into FARMserver and the report is ordered! No more wondering, “Did this decision make me more bushels? Did it make me more money?” FARMserver is here to help you analyze those decisions!  The second-best part? FARMserver is 100% FREE to all Beck’s customers! Give your Dealer or Seed Advisor a call and let FARMserver help you push productivity and management on your farm today!



By Zach Christianson | Regional Precision Technology Specialist