Planning for a new crop includes choosing the correct corn hybrid and soybean variety for your fields. To help with this process, Beck’s worked with the Product Team to develop the Seed Selection Tool as part of the FARMserver software.
The Seed Selection Tool is not an ordinary product placement tool. Using the heavily researched NRCS soil database, the Seed Selection Tool starts by narrowing down the broad range of products to determine the right hybrid for your soil type. From the clay knobs to hot sand, the Seed Selection Tool knows what product will work best in your field’s environment. But it doesn’t stop there.
Next, the Seed Selection Tool evaluates your own farming practices based on the information you have provided your FARMserver account. From maturity range, crop rotation, row spacing, and field drainage, all available information is taken into consideration when determining which products are the best fit for your soils AND the management of your operation.
The result? The Seed Selection Tool highlights the top five seed products that meet your farms’ criteria. By inputting your average population, the tool will calculate the total number of units you need for each field. There are a handful of different reporting options available for you to choose from to help make planting an easy and efficient process.
If you are interested in learning more about the Seed Selection Tool, check out the Seed Selection video in the Help section of FARMserver. Start maximizing your yield and profits on every acre of your fields today!
By Sheila Downey, Precision Farming Support